Love, Is It Quantum Entanglement? Love with Classical Physics

Love is something we can not say for sure what it is. Some call it fate, some call it affection. I call it a form of Quantum Entanglement. Let us see how it works! I also tried to explain a bit about the General relativity of Physics and Quantum gravity; I don’t know how that jibber-jabber will go… LOVE, a Universal Connection


Love with the Thought with Universal Entanglement

Hello, everyone. Uh, Welcome all to the Journal of Jahid. This is Jahid. So let’s talk about something uh different today, something that I understood and I misunderstood at the same time. And the thing is love because love is something that everybody has their own theory about it.

Love is something we can not say for sure what it is. Some call it fate, some call it affection. I call it a form of Quantum Entanglement. Let’s see how it works! I also tried to explain a bit about the General relativity of Physics and Quantum gravity; I don’t know how that jibber-jabber will go….

And that’s why it is the most misunderstood and understood concept at the same time in the world and is also a favorite topic of mine. So let’s talk and let’s see if I can make it more confusing or not. So I’m gonna take my glasses off. Not that because it’s blocking all the light to my eyes, but because my eyes are beautiful, so love, what is love? So there will be lots of book definitions. I’m not going onto that. To me Love is something that is beyond our understanding, that is beyond all the equations to me.

Love is something that we feel later and it starts far ago, far far ago, let’s say I fall into love with some person today and if I meet that person today, that does not mean necessarily that my feelings or my journey to love, that person is also starting today, my concept is as the universe began or started million years ago through the Big Bang. And if you want to deny the Big Bang, that’s personally, you think I am not gonna interrupt that. So as uh the journey of this universe uh started million years ago, so all the particles, all the atoms of my body, they also started their journey million years ago.

Time, Timeline, and Love with Cosmic Entanglement

And the timeline of my life was also created and built in some sort of predefined way a million years ago. So what I think is if I am talking today and you are hearing me, these particles of my sound that are right now waving into your area, they started their journey, this wavelength, they started their journey million years ago. And in the same way, if I am going to love a person tomorrow, the feeling, the journey of happening, this affection of happening. This love started a million years ago. All the particles in my body, all the particles in my brain, my face, my stomach, my heart, my stomach, uh they started their journey a million years ago and the city and the time when I am meeting that person which I am going to love, they started their journey million years ago.

So to me, love is a cosmic thing. Love is a universal thing is a cosmic thing. There is physics, there is gravity and there is time included in that process. Not only me, the other person which I am going to love. They also started their journey a million years ago.

So that is my basic physics of understanding how I existed in that time in that timeline and how that other person is also occurring and how I’m going to meet them and how we are actually happening. And now let’s talk about how love is being created or what is actually love to me. To me, love is a concept. Love is a theory of quantum entanglement. So in physics, quantum entanglement is a controversial theory so far still now it says that if you keep two particles together for a time for a certain time, and if then you keep them one apart from each other, say for a million kilometers away.

Love Beyond Dimensions

And if you set the time dimension, no matter what you do to those objects, their quantum particles can still communicate with each other. So before I explain that, let me explain what is time and timeline to our basic life, we see the dimensions of XYZ and the fourth dimension is time. So if we add events on the time, then we get the concept of time line. So that is how we humans actually think about time and timeline. Now the quantum entanglement that happens beyond this time, beyond the time frame.

So for example, uh let’s say I have two coins in my hand. Now if I am keeping these two coins together for a while, and if I put one of these coins into my table and I am putting another coin into another city. And if I check the coin on my table and if it’s a Head then through the quantum entanglement, I’m already supposed to know that the other condition of the other coin is automatically tail or something like that. So it says that if you get two particles entangled by objecting a particle, you can get the condition of the other particle instantly no matter how far and how much dimension is between them. So to me, love is like quantum entanglement as I just explained that uh my body is here through all the cosmic things like gravity and the Big Bang and all all the other particles.

So in the same way when I’m interacting and I am falling in love with another person, then the minute I am meeting them, I am talking and I am getting attached to that person, all the particles of my body, all the particles of my thinking is getting entangled with the other person. Now, if I go far from that other person for a long time, let’s say for a lifetime that does not mean that the connection uh the attachment I had with that person is giving uh uh also uh is getting vanished because the quantum entanglement, the quantum entanglement of my particles with that other person, they also remain entangled and they can communicate with each other that is still beyond the explanation, beyond understanding of physics. Now, maybe that is the reason why break up hearts a lot because you were going apart. But the particles of those two bodies, the particles of those two minds and hearts, they are still entangled and they miss each other. They are communicating through each other with each other through some sort of bonding and we call that pain or suffering.

Maybe I don’t know. So, the concept of love to me is quantum entanglement. Now why I am calling uh love as the uh fifth or sixth dimensional thing is because it’s quantum entanglement to me. And if you think you can love any person who is dead. So if you think that you need to be in the same dimension to love a person that is not necessarily happening, you can love a dead person and the dead person does not exist in our timeline.

He is not existing in our dimension. He is in another dimension already, but you are loving the dead man. Your particles are entangled with the other person who is remaining in another dimension. And we cannot explain this. No science can explain that.

My verdict On Love and Quantum Entanglement

That is why I’m calling it quantum entanglement. Now, while I’m talking about uh quantum entanglement, there are other two famous theories that we understand which one of them is the general theory of relativity. And another is uh quantum gravity. Now, the general theory of relativity explains the gravity around us, the gravity of our earth and sun, and quantum gravity explains the gravity in a quantum level. But if you mix these two theories general theory of relativity and loop quantum gravity or the quantum gravity science cannot explain this, they cannot know how the gravity on a quantum level actually works now.

But if you put the quantum entanglement here, you get the fundamentals of how this is working. I mean you don’t know how it works. But you get the concept that you cannot explain. But you can feel. So to me, love is the same, you cannot explain but you can feel a lot.

So to me in a physics way or in a rubbish way, love is the quantum entanglement between the general theory of relativity and the quantum gravity. Now, when I am talking about love and the general theory of relativity, quantum gravity quantum entanglement. Now if you think a man, a man is easy to understand a man say for example, we can call that a man is the general theory of relativity that explains gravity and the woman which is a bit more complex to us, which we can name it at quantum gravity. Now, if we put men and women together, we cannot define their characteristics like how they will behave. But we can say for sure that there would be love uh between these two people.

That is what I call quantum entanglement. So I’m not sure if I’m trying to make these phenomena clear to you. But I think you got the basic idea that I’m trying to explain here that all my jibber jibber, I get you got the point. So thank you very much for watching uh get stay uh quantum entangled with each other no matter how far you were because that is how much strong love is. Thank you very much for watching me.

By Journal Of Jahid

Hello Good People, Welcome to the Journal Of Jahid. Here, I will keep uploading here my wandering thoughts. Thanks for being here. You can directly mail me at

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