ভালোবাসা সে কত বড় অপরাধ?

Table of Contents:

Lesson 1: The rich don’t work for money
Lesson 2: Why teach financial literacy?
Lesson 3: Mind your own business
Lesson 4: The history of taxes and the power of corporations
Lesson 5: The rich invent money
Lesson 6: Work to learn, don’t work for money


1. The rich man was not rich yet
The poor man was not poor yet.

2. I can’t afford the house.
How can I afford it?

3. Tax should be paid to help the poor.
Tax is a burden to them, making more and rewarding the poor.

4. Study hard so you can get a good job.
Study hard so you can buy a good company

5. The reason I’m not rich is because I have you kids.
The other said, the reason I have to be rich is because I have kids.

6. House is the biggest investment.
House is a liability.

7. Broke is temporary
Poor is a lifestyle and eternity

8. I don’t work for money; money works for me.
The poor and middle class work for Money, while money works for the rich people.

9. Grrred, ignorance, fear, these things make us poor.
Once a dollar goes into the asset column, don’t let it go out.

10. The rich focus on their asset columns while
everyone else focuses on their income statements

11. People talk abt literacy but not abt financial literacy.

12. Keep your day job, and don’t stop thinking about growing your own.
Rich people buy luxuries first, whereas the poor buy luxury first. because they want to look rich.

By Journal Of Jahid

Hello Good People, Welcome to the Journal Of Jahid. Here, I will keep uploading here my wandering thoughts. Thanks for being here. You can directly mail me at jahid@journalofjahid.com

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