Waiting for Godot – My thoughts- Journal of Jahid

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett is a play about the absurdity of existence. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • The Characters: Two main characters, Vladimir and Estragon, are waiting by a roadside for someone named Godot.
  • The Wait: The entire play revolves around their wait for Godot, who never arrives.
  • Filling the Time: To pass the time, they engage in repetitive conversations, philosophical debates, and silly games.
  • More Encounters: They meet Pozzo, a domineering master, and Lucky, his mistreated slave. This encounter adds another layer of absurdity.
  • The Cycle Continues: A boy arrives with a message that Godot won’t come today but surely will come tomorrow. The play ends with Vladimir and Estragon deciding to leave, but they don’t. The cycle of waiting seems destined to repeat.
[MP3] Waiting for Godot - My thoughts- Journal of Jahid

Key Themes:

  • The Meaning of Life: The play explores the question of life’s purpose through the characters’ pointless wait.
  • The Absurdity of Existence: The characters’ routines, the lack of clear information about Godot, and the repetitive nature of the play itself highlight the absurdity of life.
  • Human Connection: Despite the bleakness, Vladimir and Estragon find solace in their companionship.

Overall, Waiting for Godot is a thought-provoking play that invites interpretation. The lack of a clear answer about Godot’s identity or purpose is what makes the play so enduring.

Waiting for Godot – My thoughts- Journal of Jahid

At this moment of life, we cannot care enough how time is going while we already know that
it is the nature of time that it will pass. So while I was reading on the book of Samuel Beckett, waiting for God, I came across a multiple dimension, a multiple dimension of thoughts and layers and how he demonstrated and illustrated the thought of how we all are waiting.

Waiting for Godot – My thoughts- Journal of Jahid

The act says that waiting for Godot, but the main theme is not for who we are waiting
and the things like what we are doing while we are waiting. Like the act we do, like how we distract ourselves through our activities to wait.

So that was the main concept of this play that Samuel Beckett illustrated very significantly.
And this play is more significant in the art of theater because this play plays an important
role with the audience, all the dialogue, all the keynotes and the other things.
They get very much entangled with the audience.

The audience is dumb, the play does not mean anything.
If the audience is intellectual, the play is the most beautiful, most powerful and the
most historic play in the world. So the successness of this play also depends on the intellectual properties of the audience that Samuel Beckett has really played with the audience in this play.

So the thing I was trying to say that we all have our sufferings and we all have our own
way to kill the time because other than that passing the time, we don’t have much things
to do in this art, in this world.

Waiting for Godot – My thoughts- Journal of Jahid

Some people like me who like to read a write, we distract ourselves with poems and writings.
And we find our sufferings inside these writing things. At the end of everything or at the beginning of everything, we have to suffer. And we minimize the suffering feeling with distraction.

People like me, I go through writings to minimize the sufferingness of suffering and other
people who do not have a passion for poems and writing, they go with money, happiness,
marriage, love, politics.
So it’s not unhealthy at all if you keep distracted yourself with money.
You have your thing, that is your thing, like you keep distracted yourself with money.
You keep distracted yourself with job.

And some people also say that we need to find a balance between the distractions, like
we need to distract ourselves sometimes for money, we need to distract ourselves sometimes
for peace, we need to distract ourselves sometimes for writings, books, poetry.
Many things.

But in this God’s worl, in this earth, no matter what you do, you are constantly working to wait
for something and you are acting to distract yourself. I have seen people who are distracted with their unhappiness, like they really want that unhappiness, that distractions in their life to pass that time.
If you take all the unhappiness and give them the ultimate happiness, they will never know
how to function. Because they have practiced, like how to go with the unhappiness, how to go with the

Waiting for Godot – My thoughts- Journal of Jahid

So chaos is their main primary limit of their universe, of their environment.
So if you put the chaos out of their environment, you will see that there is a huge catastrophe
effect that their universe will fall, will collapse.

So no matter what we do, we are really here suffering and we are waiting.
We find our own version of distraction to pass that time. Because if you do not do anything, passing the time really becomes very hard. But if you distract yourself with some unhappiness, chaotic things and solving some puzzles, no matter what you call it is, it will make your time passing easier.

So we know that nothing will fulfill us, hence we try to come tomorrow, tomorrow, again
and again, to make that time passing magnificent, beautiful and to fulfill the heart.
I think that was the thing that I solely believe and I wanted to share with the universe
that what I think about this part of this play.

Waiting for Godot – My thoughts- Journal of Jahid

I have a lot of things about this play in my mind, maybe or maybe not gradually, I will
share if anybody cares to listen.
But thank you very much, if you listen to it, bye bye.

By Journal Of Jahid

Hello Good People, Welcome to the Journal Of Jahid. Here, I will keep uploading here my wandering thoughts. Thanks for being here. You can directly mail me at jahid@journalofjahid.com

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